How serious is the problem?
Cataract in its early stage is never a serious illness unless accompanied by other pathology in the eye such as glaucoma, diabetic neuropathy, ocular infection or inflammation, trauma to the eye etc.
When is the cataract ripe for removal?
There is no such process as ripening of cataract for removal. At any stage when patient feels that cataract is causing disturbance in day-to-day functioning of life, it needs to be removed when your doctor feels that it is likely to cause complications if left alone.
When does a cataract form?
No one knows exact cause for development of age related cataract. The theories suggest an age related degenerative change in the normal crystalline lens or exposure to ultraviolet light or other unknown environmental pollutants as possible mechanism.
Other causes of a pathological cataract are:
1. Diabetes
2. Traumatic
3. Metabolic errors
4. Congenital – since birth
5. Hereditary
6. Drugs viz steroids, etc.
Parts of Cataract:
1. Capsule
2. Nucleus
3. Cortex